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Showing posts from June, 2019

that mom

I have never thought of myself as a stay-at-home mom, mostly because I have never had the patience to entertain a child for the whole day. Moving to Germany, I knew that was going to be my life. Finding things to do, new adventures, new craft every day, dealing with tantrums and trying to find a balance between me being an adult and me getting submerged in a deluge of Baby Shark. Needless to say, it is exhausting. Seriously, how do stay at home moms do it? Going to client meetings, travelling in peak hour traffic, work stress – nothing compares to being a non-stop mom, on call 24/7. There is not one moment of alone time. Except when you go for a bath, but even then, there will be a tiny voice outside the door asking if you are done yet. The other day we were at the park, and I see that my son is playing by himself, there is no need for Mama right then. He’s got sand, he’s got a spade, he’s found a leaf and he’s digging a hole to bury the leaf. In about ten minutes I will be summon